The GRAVITY PHOTO CONTEST is a side event of the GRAVITY FESTIVAL, the first urban arts festival serving the planet.
The third edition of the festival will take place on May 13th and 14th 2023 at Yann Arthus Bertrand’s Foundation GoodPlanet in Paris.
This festival will have various aspects but the two main ones are:
– An artistical component with 10 graffiti artists, recognized at the world level, that will paint live in front of the public 10 artworks on the topic of the protection of environment. Also, visitors will have access to Vincent Munier’s open air exhibition and the VIVANTS exhibition inside the Foundation’s castle.
– An informative component with round tables, workshops, talks by leading actors of the ecology.
The purpose of the festival is that all contributors contribute to raise awareness of the gravity of the current ecological situation.
Everything is free.
The GRAVITY PHOTO CONTEST is a photographic contest open to professional and non-professional photographers from all around the world. Are excluded only the festival’s organization team and Foundation GoodPlanet’s team.
The topic of the GRAVITY PHOTO CONTEST is “the beauty of nature” in its broadest sense.
The presented photographs can either focus on environment and its protection, the ecological situation but also on the animal or vegetal world, landscapes.
We add an important point, beauty alone does not really make sense, a strong message must be associated with it. Furthermore, the equipment used is of no importance in the eyes of the jury, as is the professional or amateur aspect of the photographer. We simply want to see beautiful and strong pictures of nature.
Starting date: 2023, February 13th
Contest deadline: April 13th at midnight
First jurors voting session: April 14th
Communication of the preselected photographs: April 17th
Call for HD files upload: within April 30th
Second jurors voting session: May 2nd
Exhibition Opening: May 13th
Award ceremony and live results release: May 14th at 2.30pm

Myriam Dupouy Stanley Leroux Candice Coulomb Jonk
Myriam Dupouy : Professional photographer, artistic director, lecturer and trainer for the NIKON SCHOOL, Studio Jiminy or the federation, she is also the author of two books: Abracamera and Les secrets de la photo de nature onirique by Éditions Eyrolles. https://myriamdupouy.art/
Stanley Leroux : professional photographer, Gold Medal for Photography from the National Society of Fine Arts, author of two successful monographs Cinquantièmes Hurlants and Rêveries, les éléments de l’incertitude. http://www.stanleyleroux.com/
Candice Coulomb : Responsible for the programming of the GoodPlanet Foundation’s events. https://www.goodplanet.org/fr/
Jonk : professional photographer, author of several books, member of the organization team of the Gravity festival. https://www.jonk-photography.com/
The registration fee is 10 euros. Registration for the competition will be validated once the rights have been received by the organizers. Registration fees are payable only via paypal at concoursphoto@gravity-festival.org.
They allow participation in the competition with a maximum of three (3) photographs. We would like to point out that we would have preferred that this competition, like the entrance to the festival, be free. We have decided to set up a small participation of 10 euros for three reasons: to allow the first three finalists to be offered a financial reward, to help pay for the print of the 20 finalists exposed photographs (even if our partners offer us reduced prices, there is still a significant share at our expense) and finally, if the number of participants is large, help finance part of the festival. It is free and we can only count on a few grants and partnership to carry out its realization. Registration fees cannot be refunded. A confirmation email will be sent once the files have been received by email and when the registration fees have been paid. Incomplete applications will not be shown to the jury.
To validate your participation in the contest, please pay the registration fees by clicking on the button below:
All entries must be submitted by email only to the address concoursphoto@gravity-festival.org with an object name « GRAVITY PHOTO CONTEST ». Photographs must be in JPG file format. The file size of the individual image should not exceed 5MB. The dimensions of photographs must be 2000 pixels for the longest side (whether vertical or horizontal). Photographs already exhibited during previous editions of the festival cannot be submitted again. Works entirely created by computer, photomontages, photographs with signatures or watermarks are not allowed. Each photograph must be accompanied by an explanatory text in .PDF format of a maximum of 500 characters that does not mention the author’s name. So there must be one JPG file and one PDF file for each submitted picture.
The JPG and PDF files should be named as follows: firstname_familyname_title
Each participant owns the copyright of the submitted images. The participant certifies the work as his or her own. The entrant allows the contest organizers to use, free of charge, the entered images for promotional purposes related to the photo contest. The winning photographs will be made available to the media who wish to announce the results of the competition. Each time the images are used, the organizers or media will quote the author’s name. No photographs entered for the GRAVITY PHOTO CONTEST will be offered for sale or used by any of the GRAVITY PHOTO CONTEST sponsors for any commercial or other purposes.
An entry may be rejected by the Organization if it does not conform to Contest rules and conditions.
You may use digital post-processing to optimize an image exclusively according to the rules set out next. You may crop images slightly, but you are not permitted to add or remove elements of the composition. Brightness, contrast, colour balance can all be adjusted but local editing is forbidden. Dust spots can be retouched. Images can be sharpened before printing. Post-processing, which could realistically be achieved in a darkroom will be accepted but jurors have the discretion to reject any entry which has been, in their opinion, over-manipulated and therefore removing the integrity of the original image. Participants who will be listed in the final round are requested to submit the RAW files or original JPG camera files of their photographs in preselection.
Entries will be evaluated by a nominated Jury panel. The judging is anonymous so judges are not aware of participants’ names or details. The jury will evaluate the images on the basis of visual impact, composition, originality, technique, creativity but also and above all on the ability to communicate a message, a feeling or an emotion. First, the jury will select the fifty photographs it deems the best and which will be considered preselected.
The preselected participants must send, before the date stated in the rules and under penalty of exclusion from the competition, the high resolution image files.
Twenty finalists will then be selected and announced.
The winners will be unveiled during the awards ceremony on Sunday May 14th, 2023 at 4pm at the GoodPlanet Foundation.
The twenty finalist’s photographs will be exhibited at Yann Arthus-Bertrand’s Foundation GoodPlanet in Paris during the length of the festival.
Photographs will be printed on Fine Art paper at 50x70cm. Participants who will be willing to get there framed pictures back after the festival will be able to do it at no cost. The other ones will be recycled.
The first price will also receive the amount of 200€, a photo book by Myriam Dupouy, a photo book by Stanley Leroux and a photo book by Jonk.
The second price will also receive the amount of 100€, a photo book by Myriam Dupouy, a photo book by Stanley Leroux and a photo book by Jonk.
The third price will also receive the amount of 50€, a photo book by Myriam Dupouy, a photo book by Stanley Leroux and a photo book by Jonk.
All twenty finalists will receive a diploma.
All participants will receive an email with the contest’s results. They will also be published on the website of the competition.
Submission of an entry implies the acceptance of all rules and conditions.
Jonk : jonk@gravity-festival.org
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